Email: Welcome to the VMFA-115 Reunion Association Homepage
2025 Charleston SC VMFA 115 Reunion September 25th through the 28th
Points of Contact: Host: Jerry Smeltzer 843-514-2246 cell, email: Treasurer: Patti Kaas 717-422-6796 cell, email:
**All members of VMFA 115 and Reunion Family members are cordially invited.**
For online registration, use this link:
Click below for a copy of the complete Flyer & feel free to share with fellow Silver Eagles.
HOTEL INFORMATION Staybridge Suites Charleston/Mt Pleasant, 251 Sessions Way, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 To make reservations and get our group rate of $169 for a king studio or $189 for a king suite average night rate please either follow the booking link or call 843-216-5400 and ask for reservations at the Staybridge Suites Charleston/Mt Pleasant and reference "VMFA 115 Squadron Reunion". The King studio has a kitchen, sleeper sofa, and King size bed. The King Suite has a kitchen, sleeper sofa, and a separate bedroom with King bed. Group rate is available three days prior to the reunion or three days after the end of the reunion if you want to extend your stay. Complimentary parking and breakfast included in our group rate. Booking link, copy & paste into browser: Dest=251%20Sessions%20Way%2C%20Mt.%20Pleasant%2C%20SC%2C%20US&srb_u=1SB&q SCHEDULE OF EVENTS:
Thurs., Sept. 25th – 1600. After check-in at hotel, Happy Hour & Check in for Reunion in meeting room (Ready Room).
Fri., Sept. 26th – 0830. We departure on a motor coach to transport us to downtown Charleston where we will take a tour boat for a relaxing narrated 30-minute cruise to the historic Fort Sumter National Park. Fort Sumter's purpose was to defend Charleston from foreign invasion. In reality, the fort would be the flashpoint in a war between Americans where the nature of the Union and the meaning of freedom would be changed forever. Upon arrival, we'll be greeted by National Park Service rangers who will provide programming and answer questions about the history of Fort Sumter and its pivotal role in the American Civil War. We're taking the 9:30 am tour to Fort Sumter so that you can possibly participate in the morning flag raising. We’ll have about an hour to explore Fort Sumter before boarding the boat for a 30-minute cruise back to our departure point.
Our next stop is the Charleston City Market where there are numerous food options available for lunch on your own or some shopping.
1500 After some lunch or shopping we’ll be ready to experience a horse-drawn carriage covering 25 blocks of mansions, houses, gardens, churches, and parks while learning about the history, buildings, architecture, flora, and the people that make up Charleston - the Holy City. 1800 Southern meal in our Ready Room back at our hotel.
1900 Business meeting in our Ready Room – all are encouraged to attend as we vote on the 2027 and future reunion locations, board positions, and present financials & minutes. Sat., Sept. 27th – 0845. We start our day by carpooling about a mile to Patriot Point Naval & Maritime Museum and start with the 09:00 am Wings & Things Guided Tour which focuses on the historic aircraft aboard the USS Yorktown including the Apollo 8 space capsule replica. After the guided tour you have time on your own to explore Patriot Point (open 0900 to 1700 this day) on the South Carolina's Charleston Harbor is must-see with WWII aircraft carrier USS Yorktown as a centerpiece, the Museum is also, home to destroyer USS Laffey, the Cold War Memorial, the Vietnam Experience, the Medal of Honor Museum and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. It’s nearly 1,000,000 square feet of hands-on history combined with heroes' stories and stunning natural landscapes. 1730 – Banquet at Charleston Harbor Resort, 20 Patriot Point Rd, Mt Pleasant (about a mile from our hotel). Our Banquet is in the Yacht Club Room, which is made almost completely of windows overlooking the Charleston Harbor Marina and picturesque Charleston skyline for great view of the sunset. In addition to a view like no other, the space features reclaimed wooden planks for the flooring and drop ceilings with stained wooden beams to give that nautical feel. Buffet Menu: "She Crab" Soup - Southern Style Coleslaw - Baby Greens: Crumbled Goat Cheese, Strawberries, Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing - Grilled BBQ Chicken - Lowcountry Boil: Shell on Shrimp, Fresh Corn, Red Potatoes, Andouille Sausage, Celery and Onion, Garlic Butter, OId Bay Remoulade, Lemons - Mac N Cheese - Braised Collard Greens - Corn Bread & Honey Butter - Fresh Brewed Ice Tea - Chef's Choice Dessert (Dress code: Business Casual)
Sunday, Sept 28th - Parting is such sweet sorrow, till we meet again in Fort Worth, TX in the Fall of 2026.
2024 Reunion in St. Louis, Missouri
Host: Andy Riggle
(Click here for high resolution) (Click here for high resolution)
2023 Reunion in South Portland, Maine Hosts: Tom and Michelle DiDonato
Here's the scoop on recent 115 Reunion locations:
*** Squadron status as of November 9, 2023 *** VMFA-115 was deactivated in accordance with Force Design 2030 after 80 years of faithful service. VMFA-115 will relocate to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina and be redesignated as VMFA-115, a subordinate unit of Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 14, for operations as an F-35C Lightning II squadron no later than fiscal year 2027. Click link below for Sundown Ceremony for the Hornet with photos.
2023 Version of the Silver Eagles at Beaufort, SC **Click here for list of Commanding Officers** You might want to revisit the squadron's history - in short form - from its beginning through 2012. Click on the link below to see what you missed. If you want the long version, here is the history book in its entirety covering the years 1943 through the end of 1986. Cover-to-cover there are 97 pages. "A History of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***Cruise Books now online*** 1944 -- Santa Barbara, California. Courtesy of Nancy Luke. 1959-1961 -- Atsugi, Japan. Courtesy of Herb Weickum. 1966-1967 -- Da Nang, Iwakuni, Chu Lai. Courtesy of Jim Stroh. 1968-1969 -- Chu Lai, Vietnam. Courtesy of Richard "Dick" Brown. 1969-1970 -- Chu Lai, Vietnam. Courtesy of Van McCarty. 1974-1975 -- Iwakuni, Japan. Courtesy of Dan "Grunt" Gronniger. 1976-1977 -- Iwakuni, Japan. Courtesy of Ed Bergfield. Click here to view the above cruise books which are stored on an off-site location, courtesy of Al Robidou. 1981 -- Med Cruise on USS Forrestal. Courtesy of US Navy. ********************
In 2018 VMFA-115 celebrated its 75th Anniversary.
Click here for Joe Foss memories & Squadron's observance. ******************** 1986-1989 was an exceptional time for the Silver Eagles in that they won the Hanson Trophy in back-to-back years, 86-87 and 87-88, as well as the Phoenix Award for maintenance in 89. The picture of the West Pac 87 Plaque courtesy of Neil Cummings
******************** "One Fight, One Team, One Family, One Fifteen"
Pictured above is the squadron's newest flagship, the first F/A-18C+ to roll off the mod line at Boeing. Photo courtesy of Doug Glover at Fox-3 Photography. ******************** 2015 Birthday Ball Video <<<Click Here for Video>>> 2014 UDP <<<Click Here for Video>>> Courtesy of Capt. Jarod "Broke" Dicks ******************** 2013 Deployment to the Middle East
Photos courtesy of CWO2 Kenneth J. Middendorf, Squadron Ordnance Officer <<<Click Here for Video>>> Courtesy of Capt. Jarod "Broke" Dicks ******************** Click here for a story on the homecoming in March 2012. Click here for a story on the squadron's deployment in August 2011. Click here to read about The Silver Eagles 2009-2010.
2015 marked the 50th Anniversary of VMFA-115's entry into the Vietnam War. If you were with the squadron during '65 and would like to share any thoughts on the move from Cherry Point-to-Atsugi; Atusgi-to-Iwakuni; Iwakuni-to-Da Nang, please send me an email. Pictures are welcome too. ****Click here for stories.****
(1965 Photos above, courtesy of Doug Hall)
Photo taken first day new sign was installed at Headquarters tent, courtesy of Philip Monteleone. One of the bright spots at Da Nang was China Beach. Whether it was a squadron party or just a break in the non-stop action on the flight line, many troopers list "Going to China Beach" as a favorite place to get away. Again, a Doug Hall photo on top showing the troopers hitting the beach. And the bottom photo of the north end of the beach was sent by Phil Jordan which expresses some of the beach's serenity.
If you would like to review the personnel (46 Officers/264 Enlisted) with the squadron during the historic embarkation to 'Nam, I have copied those files for easy reference. The full Command Chronology from September and December 1965 is on the PDF file (47 pages). It is with great pride that we remember our VMFA-115 Marines who were first in country. Command Chronology, Sept. & Dec. 1965 VMFA-115 Final Mission over Vietnam, January 27, 1973.
front row, l-r: Jeep D'errico, CO Hank Ivy, Jay Bibler, Graham Kerr back row, l-r: Lee Marsh, Mel Johnson, Harry Lee, Mel Krone
(Weather vane belongs to Merle Crabb, a RIO who served with 115 in 1966-67.)
Ordnance men standing immediately behind sign: (l) ????? (r) Richard M. "Charlie" Brown personnel in line behind them: (left to right) Andy Riggle; Major C. W. Heinzerling, Jr., Maint. Officer; Capt. John French, Pilot; Sgt. Maj. W. F. Sears; J. L. "Jimmye" Jones; Robert C. Greenlee; Lt. Les Amick, RIO; Lt. John Fogg, Pilot & O.I.C. Ordnance Shop; Walley Gordon on top of Phantom: J. E. Labor photo taken ????, ??, 1970 Photo and names compliments of Dick Brown who has a journal of his return visit to Chu Lai, along with pictures, posted at the First Marine Aircraft Wing Association-Vietnam Service website. Here is the link: You'll find Dick's comments under "Chu Lai, Now & Then". ******************** (Dave Horne provided this account of VMFA-115 being redeployed to Da Nang in 1972. It has more details than you'll find in the squadron's history book.) VMFA-115 Deployment 1972 26 March 1972 -- In the latter part of March 1972 the North Vietnamese commenced an overt invasion of South Vietnam. On 5 April 1972, the 1st MAW received a warning order from FMFPAC to be prepared to deploy two squadrons to RVN. The decision was made to use the F-4 squadrons of VMFA-115 and VMFA-232 from MAG-15. On the morning of 6 April the 1st MAW received word that JCS had issued an execute order for the deployment of the two tactical squadrons to RVN. Immediate action was taken to stage the two squadrons to NAS Cubi Point to await the execute order from COMSEVENTHFLT. At noon, the first elements of the two squadrons were airborne on their way to NAS Cubi Point. At 1744 on 6 April the execute order was received from COMSEVENTHFLT and was immediately passed to NAS Cubi Point. The lead element of VMFA-115 arriving just minutes later. This operation to rapidly deploy the two squadrons into Vietnam was marred by the loss of an F-4 on departure from NAF Naha enroute to NAS Cubi Point. Both crew members were lost in the accident. The total time required for the deployment of MAG-15 (Fwd), with two F-4 squadrons (VMFA-115, w/12 F-4B aircraft and VMFA-232, w/15 F-4J aircraft), along with support elements from H&MS-15 and MABS-15, was just 2 days. The last increment of follow-on cargo to the initial lift arrived on the fourth day. The total lift of MAG-15 (Fwd), including supporting elements, totaled 984 Marines, 2,099,702 lbs of cargo (187,020 cubic feet) and was provided by the Pacific Command Transportation Management Agency (PATMA), the Military Airlift Command (MAC), and Marine KC-130F (VMGR-152) assets. After COMUSMACV imposed a two day stand down for air crew orientation, the first combat sorties were flown on 9 April. The command element of MAG-15 deployed to RVN with the squadrons was designated as MAG-15 (Fwd). Operational control of MAG-15 (Fwd) remained with CG, 1st MAW. However, mission direction authority was vested with COMUSMACV's Deputy for Air Operations, the Commander, 7th Air Force. Combat missions were flown primarily in Military Regions one and two (MR-1 and MR-2). Initially only MK-82 "free-fall" bombs were used, but later ordnance load were expanded to include SNAKEYES and ROCKEYES. These squadrons would move to Nam Phong, Thailand during the summer of 1972. <<<+>>>
(Dale Martin submits this information on Mike Koehnen. Mike was responsible for setting up the website for Marines who served at the "Rose Garden". We have been fortunate to have some Rose Garden Marines attend our reunions. You can find their original website at In 2019 a new site, inclusive of all units including VMFA-115, came online at Michael D. Koehnen, 53, of Jamestown, ND passed away on Friday, September 23, 2005 at Merit Care Hospital in Fargo, North Dakota. Michael was born March 13, 1952, in Jamestown, the son of Aloyis and Jeanette (Balken) Koehnen. He grew up in Jamestown and attended Saint John’s Academy and Jamestown High School. He married Sharon Lien of Jamestown on June 21, 1973. A Vietnam Veteran; Michael proudly and honorably served in the United States Marine Corps from 1970 to 1974. He later attended Jamestown College. Michael then served with the Jamestown Fire Department for 18 years, and became City Fire Marshall. Michael was working for the United States Postal Service at the time of his passing. Michael was a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Michael made many good friends through his mastery of computers, technology, and the Internet. Michael is survived by his wife Sharon (Lien) Koehnen of Jamestown, ND, father Aloyis Koehnen of Peoria, AZ, sister Vicki Novak of Durango, CO, sister Nancy Mosley of Pembroke GA, brother Richard of Chula Vista, CA, sister Andrea Carper of Pueblo, CO, and hundreds of heartbroken Marine Veterans. He was preceded by his mother Jeanette (Balken) Koehnen. 230 Years of U.S. Marines are calling out "Welcome Home.” We will sorely miss you Brother. Rest in Peace. ***** In 2022 the group celebrated their 50th Anniversary ***** Pictured below are members of VMFA-115 who attended the reunion in Washington, DC. Front Row, l-r: Michael Stortz, EK Cannon, Walter Hicock, Chuy Castellanos, Stan Prince, Gary Kaitting, Earl Wyatt Back Row, l-r: ______, Willard Round, Richard Goodwin, Jake Jacobson, Joe Hart, Dave Horne
This photo is posted at a Marine Phantom site. Is the caption fact or fiction?
In 1975 the squadron was stationed at Iwakuni. According to the history book they were in Cubi Point for carrier-landing qualifications on the Enterprise for two days in March (12th and 13th). According to former CO Hank Ivy, the last mission flown in Viet Nam was on 27 January 1973, a 4-plane flight around noon near the DMZ. The following month the Silver Eagles were carrying out combat operations in support of the Cambodian government, this action continued until mid August, 1973 from the Rose Garden. So, did anyone witness or hear about the '75 action?? Drop me an e-mail...I'll post your replies here. Your responses: Tim Asher writes, "Fiction. We were in the Philippines." ~~~ Josh Smith's reply, "I saw your post on the Silver Eagle website about the action in '75. My dad Sgt. Mark Smith was there in '75, but unfortunately he passed away in '03. So I can't ask him. But, in his Silver Eagles book from '74 - '75 it doesn't mention any combat action from aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. There are a few pages of photos from the boat det and the jets do not have any ordnance loaded. They would if they were on combat missions of course. Too bad I can't just ask him about this stuff anymore. Here is a photo attached. Take care."
~~~ And from Mike Schofield, We were in fact in the Philippines (Cubi Point) at that time, staying at the wonderful 500 man camp up on Monkey Mountain with out hosts the 3rd MAU. Yeah right, they hated us “Chugga boot rats”. Little did they know we were working 18 hr shifts due to a structural problem in the tail involving the horizontal stabilizer. We did in fact have a Detachment aboard the Enterprise, as I believe that is Sgt Poe, 2nd row, 1st on the left. During that time, WE had several Detachments out; as it was the norm, “For the need of the Corps” Also in port was the Hancock, and Kitty Hawk. The Hawk left first, Leaving the two remaining. It was during this time that an A-6 from the Enterprise; while in port was conducting night mission landings on the field during the night shift. We were manned on the flight line at the very end of the Point. I believe it was called Dungaree Beach. During those night hops, the A-6 lost power (P-1/P-2 Hyd), both pilots ejected on approach, and crashed into the ordinance/flight support shack killing four Silver Eagles. Two were asleep in their dress greens, waiting for the Freedom bird the next morning. The Enterprise left very shortly following that incident, leaving the Hancock. It was during this time that a Detachment of 115 joined the Enterprise, and I do not think it was for carrier quals, as all were shooting for the Centurion award which is in excess of 100 traps. You could not have done that in a couple of days; unless you were already qualified but just short of that milestone. It was my understanding that we were involved in several operations, to include Koh-Tang Island. It was also my understanding that we were submitted for a PUC. I never saw that one. My purpose of writing this is to help jog someone else’s memory, and endeavor to put this to rest. There was also a SSGT Vern present from the sheet metal shop at the time of the A-6 crash. He was in the head between the two buildings, Sheet metal shop and OP’s, when a piece of the aircraft came to rest in front of the stall he was occupying. Maybe that will help somebody’s memory. SSGT Hooper was in charge of the Metal Shop, and Capt Pickering was fabrication branch OIC. As I clear my head more, I will update this. The History books contain opinions sometimes, and not facts. I also understand that there was an actual “Cruise book” for the Enterprise detachment. I’ll work on that, I have very few mementos left from those days. The picture depicts an F-4B, and that would be accurate. Respectively, and yes 38 years later, still in the business, Thank God. Michael Schofield NDI Lab / Level III Fleet Readiness Center S.E. Solomons Naval Air Station Patuxent River, MD. 410-326-2000 x2128 ~~~
Anthony E. Millard seconds that emotion... I just want to confirm what Mike Schofield stated, I was there in 1975 and it happen just as he said. I was L/Cpl Millard part of S-1 (Admin.). I was with VMFA 115 from Sept. 1974 – Oct 1975. Email address is:
Carl Bailey's observation... I can’t speak of sorties in Saigon in April of 1975 but I was at DaNang on a turnaround crew comprised of Technical representatives and otherwise of all squadrons stationed at Nam Phong – AKA The Rose Garden. Some of the birds returning from sorties up north would swoop in for armament reload, fuel or maintenance. Armament and fuel was performed on hotpad and Charlie’s incoming rockets at these times would raise hair in places I would never have thought of. I was there of the date Col Ivy spoke of and it was get your gear and get on the plane now, we’re out of here! No one slept well the night before. Me and a guy named Freddy Futrell, a Cajun from LA. drew fire watch, it was so quiet that night, we kept expecting zappers to come out of the wood work and or a big rocket attack, after all there was no reason to save them. As the sun finally came up the shit hit the fan! “Rockets Rockets Rockets, Da Nang is under attack”!!! Puff the Magic Dragon really put on a show too, its was still just dark enough to see the tracers. To my knowledge no one on the base was injured. And so it was home to the Rose Garden we went. While our sorties were indeed concentrated in Cambodia there was always talk from reliable sources that some of the sorties were going elsewhere, I can only assume it was Viet Nam. With that said, I don’t doubt one bit the old wooden nickel was lending a hand in support of the pull out in Saigon.
Best Regards! Carl Bailey A former Missile Tech and Bomb Humper with VMA-214, VMFA-115, VMA-311, VMA-324
Doyle Nicholson's confirmation...
Sorry for the delayed response, but, I was the Ops Officer of VMFA 115 when we were in Cubi Point, and we did qual most of the squadron, but not all, and did not participate in combat operations. The F-14's were on there first cruise and were parked on both sides of the deck as we qualified. I spent some time up with the air boss and took some movies of the operation. Also we had two pilots who had gone through Air Force training and this was there first carrier experience.
During the deployment, we lost combat readiness when an A-6 crashed into and destroyed our flight equipment area. Lt. Col Bradshaw was CO, and Maj. Pete Field was the XO.
Doyle Nicholson ********************
Speaking of Ordnance, Jerry Hillyer sent this patch. He thinks it may originated in Iwakuni before the squadron rotated back to Chu Lai in 1967.
Here now is the exclusive story of how the patch came into being courtesy of Lester Kushner who was in Avionics/Fire Control in 1966-67. I saw the comment about the origin of this patch, and some thought it was first created in Iwakuni. To my recollection we did this in June 1967 at Chu Lai. I believe Lance Corporal Steven Staas was the primary designer with my assistance. The printing was mine, and some of the design is a collaboration. We had drawings, but to my recollection it was not a patch while I was there. The patch must have come later. None the less here is a copy of the original rendering as we designed it. I can bring it to the next reunion.
Les Kushner aka "Captain Israel" able to leap tall synagogues in a single bound, faster than a speeding matzo ball, harder than a stale bagel, who is it? Superman? No it's Captain Israel. Our hooch was the Bar Mitzvah. We clearly had too much time on our hands. Staas did a comic book based on Captain Israel. We clearly needed distractions. If you could blow up the names on the picture, every one was given a Jewish sounding name. I think Hymie Hollstein and I were the only Jews in that hooch as far as I remember. This picture is from Da Nang, but it was replicated in Chu Lai. Please feel free to share this with every one. Les
The Able Eagles of VMF-115 took up residence in Korea in 1952. Click here for a tribute to those who served during this era.
Here's an interesting fact about the above insignia from Conrad A. "Al" Jorgenson, Colonel, USMC, Retired: "Thanks for the coin. I thought you might be interested in the origin of the Silver Eagle design. I was the S-2 of VMF(aw)115 during the first three years of the F4D period (1957-1959). Hap Langstaff was skipper (after Flickinger crashed the first Ford to be delivered and Smoke Spanjer was sent to HQMC. Hap decided we needed a new logo and asked that squadron members submit ideas. My NCOIC , TSGT N. O. Hall submitted the winning design. Only he had the diagonal lines going from top right to bottom left. Someone pointed out that in old heraldry that meant the owner was a bastard. TSGT Hall changed the stripes and came up with essentially what you have now." More on the Skyray era is provided in these photos courtesy of Sheila McCallum, the daughter of the late Marine pilot Joseph O. Lynch. Here are the Able Eagles in 1956 at Mojave, California.
Susan's info on this picture: “Lt. Col. John S Flickinger and Maj Joseph O. Lynch talking over check out list before Maj Lynch’s 1st hop in R4D-1 #134756 with FIP program aboard NAS Pax River MD” and the date was 2/27/56. Col Flickinger was killed flying this airplane at MCAS El Toro while on approach 5/8/56, he had a flame out.
Here is the newspaper account of Major Lynch's "dead stick" landing which is mentioned on page 26 of the squadron history book. The date of the incident was July 18, 1956.
Santa Barbara, 1944. Joe Foss is standing in front of the down prop.
2022 Reunion at Tucson, Arizona Thanks to everyone who took a turn in Tucson supporting the 2022 annual reunion. Old friends and new faces enjoyed a full schedule exploring the uniqueness and majesty of the area and sharing memories of their time while serving with the World Famous VMFA-115 Silver Eagles. Special thanks to Dave and Patti Kaas for taking the lead in yet another awesome reunion for The Association.
(Click here for High Definition) ******************** 2021 Reunion at Pensacola, FL Thanks to all the members and guests who attended the 2021 Reunion in Pensacola. Our planners, Jim Brady and Dave and Patti Kaas, really did an exceptional job. The Association can't say "thank you" enough for your support as we continue the tradition of conducting yearly reunions which started over 30 years ago.
******************** 2019 Reunion at Beaufort, SC
Click Here for High Resolution of Picture Above Click Here for High Resolution of Alumni Only Fantastic doesn't begin to describe the manner in which VMFA-115 treated us over the three days we spent with them. In addition to opening their headquarters, hangar and flightline to us, they arranged visits to a Parris Island Graduation, a tour of the F-35B training squadron and time in the F-18 simulators. And we were able to visit personally with anyone from the CO, LtCol Hipp, on down enjoying one-to-one conversations about today's mission of the squadron and the personnel who make it happen. The presence of the 50th Anniversary group of Pilots and RIOs who served in Chu Lai in 1969-1970 was an added bonus for the Vietnam Veterans in attendance as they were able to get reacquainted with some of the Aircrews with whom they were counterparts with all those years ago. The reunion wrapped with a gala dinner in Beautiful Downtown Beaufort and a most inspiring speaker, LtGen Walsh. Thank you, Silver Eagles, for such a wonderful time celebrating our 76th Anniversary. You really treated us super special, it was a reunion we will not soon forget.
******************** 2018 Reunion at Cleveland, Ohio What a fantastic time - Marines from four decades (60's, 70's, 80's and 90's) enjoyed an outstanding weekend. Thanks to Ray Yahner and Rich Renock for orchestrating the activities. Kudos to Jim Brady and Mike Hadley for the Ready Room food and drinks. Dave Kaas is to be acknowledged for securing the customized 75th Anniversary t-shirts. And thanks to Patti Kaas for the many tasks she handles - registering, communications, hotel & banquet details, etc. Most of all, thanks to the Marines and their guests for making the time to join in the fun. It is most gratifying to hear story-after-story, from air crew officers and maintenance men alike, of how VMFA-115 has impacted our lives.
******************** 2017 Reunion in Norfolk, Virginia Another well organized event with lots of interesting things to see and do. Thanks to Dave and Patti Kaas for hosting and lining up such a fun time for us all to enjoy in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. Most of all, thanks to the members and their guests for making the annual trip with us.
******************** 2016 Reunion in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Visiting with the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Carson. Our group by one of their Blackhawks.
Getting a close-up of a Chinook - inside and out.
Hands on with the Apache. <<<Click here for more photos from the 4th CAB Carson Facebook page.>>>
Stopped to see the B-52 as we rolled into the Air Force Academy.
And a perfect day to visit The Petersen Air and Space Museum and The National Museum of World War II Aviation.
Most of our group following the Dinner Banquet. We were welcomed by Army, Navy and Air Force Officers and our guest speaker was a Marine, Bob "Hawk" Hollingsworth, Major General, Retired. ******************** The 2015 Reunion in Gettysburg, PA
Our Group on the Battlefield, Peace Light then Little Round Top.
A Pit Stop at the Adams County Winery
Lunch with General and Mrs. Grant at Hickory Bridge Farm
Off loading for visit to Eisenhower Farm and WWII Program
Reunion Dinner at Dobbins House
******************** The 2014 Reunion was held October 1-4 in Branson, MO in partnership with The Marine Air Groups Reunion. Thanks to this fine group of Aviation Marines for making us feel so welcome. Here is the 115 Group following the Friday night dinner at the Plaza View Restaurant at the Grand Plaza Hotel & Conference Center.
Front,l-r:Tucker, Ord, 51; Van Dalsen, Pilot, 46-48; Miller, Maint. Off., 67-68; McCarty, P/P, 68-71 Center,l-r:Kittrell, Radar, 71-72; Parker, Hyd, 66-67; Brady, Elec, 71-72; Smith, Hyd, 71-72 Back,l-r:Gibson, P/P, 75-76; Kaas, P/Capt, 80-83; Yahner, P/P, 69-70; Young, Elec, 67-68; Scanlan, P/P, 70-71; Norris, Elec, 70-71; Gronniger, Radar, 74-75 ******************** 2013 Reunion, November 7-10 Beaufort, SC
Lt. Col. Patrick and the Silver Eagles extended an invitation for us to join them in their celebration of 70 years of continuous active service to the Corps. VMFA-115 held 3 Main Events surrounding this year’s reunion. On Friday, November 8, the squadron hosted an Open House at the 115 hangar followed by a Social at the O-Club celebrating our Anniversary. Saturday the squadron sponsored a Golf Tournament at The Legends Course on Parris Island. And the reunion weekend wrapped up in style Sunday, Nov.10, as many of the Alumni joined the Silver Eagles at The VMFA-115 Marine Corps Birthday Ball at The Westin Hilton Head Resort and Spa. What a great time! A special thanks to CWO2 Kenneth Middendorf for his diligence and attention to detail as the Point Man for the squadron. Thanks for tending to all our requests. And thanks also, to all the Silver Eagle Family for making us feel so welcome. We admire your service to the Corps and our country and we really like your squadron a lot! Here is a collection of photos courtesy of the Public Affairs Office. click here to see the Open House photos The Jet Stream published articles about the anniversary and the reunion. click here to read the Nov. 8 Anniversary story click here to read the Nov. 15 Reunion story ******************** 2012 Reunion at Santa Barbara, California
l-r: Dave Horne, Ed Blanchard, Phil Correia, Bob Boehle, Bill Hodson, Rex Pardo, Les Kushner. Not pictured; Frank Zaccaginio.
******************** 2011 Reunion at Cherry Point
Touring the VMAT-203 Hangar, up-close with the Harriers
Our group by the F-4 at Miller's Landing, MCAS, Cherry Point
And at the banquet the following night
And for those who picked up a copy of the air station newspaper, The Windsock, how appropriate to see this item highlighting the VMF-115 Panther jets of yesteryear.
And a little keepsake to mark the occasion (thanks to Jim Brady).
At the reunion Smokey Colwell told us that he was in the process of having a customized bike built with a VMFA-115 theme. Pictured below is the finished product. Thanks Smokey for such a great display of your Silver Eagle memories.
******************** 2010 Reunion, Memphis, Tennessee Special thanks to our planners Jim Brady and Lisa Hazeltine for such a fun filled three days. We debuted the new reunion banner...
We ate Bar-B-Q...
We saw Elvis...
We ate some more Bar-B-Q...
We got to hang with old friends from K-3...
We met new friends from Da Nang and The Rose Garden and a Silver Eagle from the 80's who helped take the Hornets on their first West Pac tour...
We were entertained...
And laughed with one another...
And were proud to carry on the Association's mission...
Sorry you missed us. We'll be doing it again in 2011 at Cherry Point. Keep in touch and let us know how the Association can better serve you. ******************** 2008 Reunion, Arlington, Virginia
Trip to National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico. Front l-r: McCarty, Sypkens, Monihan, Yahner. Back l-r: Wallestad, Beye, Sheffe, Brady. Not pictured Gill and Reader.
Our visit to the Holocaust Memorial Museum included a private Luncheon and a Guest Speaker for our group.
Here's the crew in the Ready Room, that's John Gibson up front in the green shirt.
Following dinner at the DoubleTree, here the Baker's Dozen for 2008. Front l-r: Wallestad, Brady, Alton, Gill Back l-r: Sypkens, Gibson, Yahner, McCarty, Sheffe, Monihan, Reader, Horne, Beye ******************** 2007 Reunion, San Diego, California
WWII l-r: Brummell, Hodson, Alton, Sypkens
Korea l-r: Rogozinski, Uhl, Reader, Gilbert, (Brummell, WWII), Zaccagnino, Gill, Blais
Vietnam and Beyond l-r, front row: Wallestad, Street, Gollihur, Horne back row:Chouinard, Redmon, Takahashi, Ruud, Cannon, Kittrell, ______, Correia, Hagen, Teague (above photos are courtesy of Emily Teague) In attendance, but no photo. George Flores, John Gibson, David Ortiz, Hank Salvatore ********************
2006 Reunion, Laconia, New Hampshire 2006 Reunion Attendees
Click here for Proclamation from Governor
The Pride and Joy of the Reunion Association. Our WWII vets in attendance. They are from left-to-right: Don Sypkens, Dottie Alton, Andrew Moynihan, Ed Davis (also a WWII Marine, friend of Moynihan) Bill Hodson and Ken Goode. (photo: Jim Brady)
Part of the group on tour–from left to right: John Moynihan, Nate Hazeltine, John Kennedy, Jim Gill, Lisa Chouinard, John Chouinard, Jim Brady (on plane), Joyce Bankester, Patty McDaniels, Carol Ann Egy (climbing on plane) Ken Uhl, Dorothy Hodson, John Reader, Bill Hodson, George Martina, Lisa Hazeltine, Andy Moynihan, Dottie Alton, Don Sypkens, Roy Alton and Ed Malin. (photo: Jim Brady) A Special Thanks to John Gibson: Lisa sends out a special "thank you" to John for bringing his wonderful, large display of airplanes that he has assembled. Everyone agreed the display was a fantastic addition to the hospitality room. We appreciate you! ********************
The 2005 Reunion is now in the history books. We all had a wonderful time renewing old acquaintances, sampling that famous gulf coast cuisine, and spending time at the National Museum Of Naval Aviation located on board N.A.S. Pensacola. Look for a recap of activities in the Fall 2005 Newsletter. Click here for a list of the faithful Attendees. A special thanks to all the family members and friends who accompanied their Marines to our reunion.
Here is a list of Attendees of the 2004 Reunion which was held in Quantico, VA (Dumfries) in August. In addition to seeing old friends and meeting new ones, our itinerary included visits to all the war memorials in Washington, D.C., a trip to the new air and space museum (The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center) and a spectacular Sunset Parade at the famous 8th & I Marine Barracks. We especially enjoyed the company of the 59-61 Group which chose to be a part of this year's reunion. Details of all the reunion activities are contained in the Fall 2004 Newsletter. Thanks to our Chairman, Lynn Hagen, for the time and effort in putting the newsletter together for us to enjoy.
Here is a list of Attendees of the 2003 Reunion which was held at Beaufort, SC in July. The reunion was held in conjunction with the squadron's 60th anniversary. The squadron personnel simply overwhelmed us with their open arms and hospitality. Marines spanning the entire 60 year history were in attendance--from the F4U's of Guadalcanal to the F/A-18's of Operation Iraqi Freedom and all those other fantastic flying machines in between.
****************************** Click here for Fall 2006 Newsletter Click here for Spring 2006 Newsletter Click here for Fall 2005 Newsletter Click here for Spring 2005 Newsletter Click here for Fall 2004 Newsletter Click here for July 2004 Newsletter Click here for May-June 2004 Newsletter Click here for Spring 2004 Newsletter ******************** PAGES FROM THE PAST
The above photo was taken on December 18, 2000. Caption: "Six generations of Silver Eagles commanding officers were present for the VMFA-115 change of command." (This would have been Lt. Col. Lewis relieving Lt. Col. Walsh). Names I have so far (left-to-right): Lewis, Levesque, ????, Holt, Chisum, Walsh. Any help with the unidentified CO would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Footnote to above picture: Lt. Col. Tim Holt died on May 29, 2008 after a long battle with cancer. He was CO of VMFA-115 from 1 June 90 - 14 August 92. He lived in Beaufort, SC. ********************
TAPS In 2017 we lost another original member of Joke's Jokers. Click here for the obituary for Dr. Albert W. Brown. Brown would always correspond via email prior to our reunions sending his best wishes. The following is an example from 2014: "Greetings to all the Marines and support personnel at the reunion. I regret that I cannot be with you this year at Branson. (Harry) Rawlinson has informed me that he too is unable to attend this year. I do not know if any others from the original squadron in Santa Barbara will be there but I am with you in spirit. Perhaps, Gettysburg would be possible next year if this 93-year-old can still report "present!". I have included a photo taken with Joe Foss at the Santa Barbara reunion. (1993)
All the best all.
Albert W Brown (Stf Sgt – crew chief for Corsair 260 most of the time in the Pacific theater.) Semper Fi"
(click on name for obituary)